How To Build A Photography Website

This detailed guide will show you how to create your photography site, including everything from selecting your photos to designing the layout.

It may seem that only professionals need a website for their photography, but in reality, it is important for anyone who is just starting out to have a good online portfolio. A well-curated site is essential for any photographer who wants to take their work seriously, whether they are a student or a freelancer.

It’s not necessary to spend a lot of time learning HTML and CSS to create a photography site. You can find website builders online. They offer customizable templates to help you make your site, even if you don’t know any code. Some website builders offer additional features such as your online shop, a blog built-in, and a proofing page to allow you to share photos with customers privately.

As a Grand Valley State University photography instructor, Emily Najera says, “I feel that it is essential for my students to have a professional website, which is not Facebook, Tumblr, or Instagram.” While these sites are excellent for networking and inspiration, there are better places to review or showcase work. The layout of a website is similar to the design of a book. It encourages my students to consider image progression and aesthetics.”

An extensive collection of images to showcase is a requirement for a site, but it’s possible to create a memorable website with as few as 20 photos. It is easier to browse a website with a limited selection of images. This gives viewers an overview of your style and who you are. Use your website as an online gallery or photo diary for a specific photo project. Or, you can keep it simple and only use it to display your CV, contact information, and best photos.

This comprehensive guide, which draws on the advice and examples of various photographers in different stages of their creative careers, will walk you through each step of creating an effective photography website. From curating your work to writing a bio, it will guide you:


Your photography website should have goals.

Decide on your focus before you start building your website. Take some time before you begin putting together images, writing a message, or even trying out layouts to think about the following questions.

  • Who is your target audience? What type of website visitors do you want to attract? Are you trying to attract potential clients? Are you hoping these clients will be brands, individuals, or publications?
  • What are your photographic strengths? Do you excel at street or portrait photography? Are you a master of 35mm film, or are you a Photoshop expert?
  • What’s the next most crucial step in your photography? You want to increase your portfolio. You should focus on a new type of photography. For example, if you are an event photographer and want to do more documentary work.
  • Do you have a particular aspect of your photography that you would like to improve?
  • What is your favorite project, series, or photoshoot? Is there one particular image or project that you consider your best work?

After you answer these questions, selecting the work you want to share with others and creating a solid “about” page will become much more manageable. You will have a clearer idea of what you are trying to accomplish with your website and how you can use it to represent yourself as an artist.

It can be helpful to look at other photographers’ websites as a source of inspiration. This was a crucial first step for recent UK photography graduate Saesha Blue Ward in building a solid online portfolio. I spent several hours looking at the websites of all my favorite photographers, professionals, and graduates before creating my own. She says that experimentation is the key to finding your style.


Design your photography website.

Take some time now to consider how you would like your website to appear. If you plan to build the website yourself, sketching out layout options on paper is a good idea. You may find that it is easiest to experiment with different layouts and templates if you use a web builder for your online photography portfolio. You can find many free website templates that will help you create a professional online portfolio quickly and easily without coding.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you choose the suitable layout for your website:

  • Do the pages of your website scroll horizontally or vertically?
  • Will your photos be displayed in a grid or individually?
  • What will the menu look like header, footer, left, or right?
  • What fonts will you be using for your website?
  • What color scheme will best highlight your work?
  • How can you make your name stand out?

Selecting a template you like is a great way to start things. If you don’t enjoy the chosen template, change it to another one. Seeing your photos in a grid or horizontal gallery will help you decide which layout is best.

A London-based Gueorgui Tcherednitchenko has created a memorable site using a grid layout to showcase a variety of his work. The choice of the template was crucial for him as a portraitist. “I chose a template that shows photos in grid view by default but offers a carousel navigation style once the user clicks an image. This allows visitors to see my work in a grid view and then decide which ideas they want to look at more closely.


Kathryn E. Harrison is a documentary photographer pursuing an MFA at Yale. She chose a template with one image per web page to remind her of analog viewing. She says that Format’s offset theme is the best for her work because it is organized and easy to use. This theme allows me to focus on one image, much like a book. This theme puts my social media icons at the forefront, essential for sharing my work with my followers and keeping them updated.

Lottie Spencer, a UK fashion photographer who has shot for clients such as Nike and Dazed magazine, designed a website that reflects the aesthetics of her creative work. The layout is fun, with collage-inspired elements. She says, “I wanted to make a playful website that reflected the images I create.” “Format’s themes provide an excellent place to begin as they are already set up.

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