Photo Of The Day By Robert Henderson


“Farewell to Bob Jr. and Marley, the Lion Kings of the Serengeti for over seven years,” writes Henderson. “Bob Jr. and Marley were killed in March 2023 as part of the lions’ rivals who were trying to be the new pride. There has been a flood of sorrow from around the globe as news of the deaths been passed around to park visitors as well as photographers who had the pleasure of seeing the lions in the flesh, and to many who only knew them from their pictures.

“Bob Jr.” and Marley are African black-maned lions who’s father was the famous Bob Marley. The brothers forged a coalition that gathered a great collection of females, as well as many cubs. Marley was the prettier and attractive, whereas Bob Jr., many would argue was the most beautiful part of the group. Bob Jr. had a more dark hair, a lot of scratches and dark eyes. He always appeared at his enemies (and hungry) even when cuddling his brother.

“Their homes were in in the Central Area of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania close to Namiri Plains. They were undoubtedly the two most stunningly photographed lions I’ve seen. The grassy savannah that was short within the Central Serengeti area where we were observing the lions last November was burned by a controlled fire a couple of weeks before. The grass was burned down to a short stubble that was reddish-brown in color. The wind was strong that was blowing dust and ash into the eyes of the lions and their nictititating membranes were half-way up, which made their eyes all the more impressive as the lions walked between the shade that was available.

“A special thanks to our guide Anderson Kayle for spending all day with me and on into the evening tracking the brothers for the perfect shot.”

Canon EOS R6, EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM extender lens at 400mm, handheld. Exposure 1/1250 seconds. at f/4. ISO 1600.

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