The new Brian May stereo photography book is available now

It’s not easy living.

In the intro to his book, Brian writes about how interesting it was to observe how many photographers have offered an apology regarding their work along with their entries. Did Brian have a similar feeling of insecurity when he began his journey in the field of stereoscopic photography?

“That’s a straightforward query to be answered. I’m always anxious about everything, not just my music! I’m sure all artists feel this way. However, the more I age, the more I realize this is an integral aspect of being an artist. They must be constantly questioning themselves and uncertainty to be able to update their perspective on the world and where they fit in.’

Stereoscopy is a good thing for you. It is nearly 200 pages long and is a showcase for many photographers. However, it was a small group of people from LSC who put it together, which included Brian.

The entire LSC is just six people. Five of us were part of the publication. According to him, it was not an enormous team, but it was a dedicated one.

Alongside a variety of images of Europe, Stereoscopy is Good for You features work from further afield locations. Stereoscopy is a popular subject in Japan, at least in my area of influence, and there are many outstanding photographers with whom I can communicate directly.

One of them, Masuji Suto, is the creator of the amazing i3D Steroid app (see below), in addition to being a fantastic photographer. South America delivered a lot of photos to the book as well, and there were plenty of images from the US as well as Canada.

Some of the images were from Russia as well,” Brian admits, and we debated over whether or not to include the photos. The book was already in the press at the time of the Ukraine attack, and we were unsure if we should have left these images out. But then I thought they’re images created by ordinary people just like us and do not have any influence over their government.

The same is true for music. Queen has always been able to appeal to the masses and not pay attention to the political climate. It’s about connecting people, and that’s the job we have, as well as when it comes to photography. However, we don’t want to place any apprehension on the things that Russia does as a nation right this moment. It’s a very painful and difficult situation.’

A true eye-opener

Resuming the art of making images, Brian strongly believes that using stereo photography could benefit traditional photographers as well. It may sound corny; however, taking stereo photos does bring your eyes open. It allows you to see in a new manner since you have to imagine you are able to see depth and everything else.

I have now developed an irresistible ability to observe scenes and view these scenes “properly” in stereo. Many people live their entire lives not realizing they are blessed with this incredible sense of depth. My job as a Stereoscopic evangelist is, “No, there is a way you can transform your pictures into a format that will enable you to enjoy them forever as you did at the time of capture.”‘

Does Brian believe that some potential photographers are intimidated because of the lengthy process involved in stereo photography? Have apps made it more simple?

“Yes, to both,” He says, but there is a gap closing. I can capture stereo images with ease now using my iPhone, and that’s something we discuss in the book. When I display my results, especially for young people who are awestruck, they take pictures of their buddies every day. This could be instant and be quite awe-inspiring to snap photos in stereo of your loved ones. In 10 years, you’ll think, wow, it’s as if you can actually feel them or even touch them.’


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