Types of Photography You Should Try


The best way to develop into an experienced photographer would be to adhere to the exact process of learning that you would follow in formal education. That is as you have studied various topics to gain an knowledge of the world around you, don’t restrict your learning to only the techniques you’ll need for the day-to-day activities like understanding the basics of lighting and maintaining the appearance of your web-based photography site. It is better to look outside your own domain to learn about different types of photography, and what they are about. This will let you increase your knowledge, become invigorated, and possibly find your niche.

Now, based on how precise you’d like to get and the rules you’re adhering to, your variety of photography styles can go on for days. To make it easier and assist you in navigating your path through them, we’ve put together the 20 most commonly used and well-known types of photography.

Aerial photography

Over the years, humans have been trying to fly like birds and appreciate the amazing views of the world which can only be seen from the air. With the ever-growing technological advances, it’s more accessible than ever before to capture these amazing views which is why the aerial photographer is now an increasingly sought-after kinds of photography. The genre was initially restricted to landscapes aerial photographers are now involved on everything from weddings and fashion photography to commercial and architectural photography.


Architecture photography

Photographs that depict structures (both both exteriors and interiors) architectural details, as well as cityscapes fall within the division of architecture photography. Sometimes, it is referred to as city photography the type of photography requires certain methods and equipment to prevent distortion and perspective problems. The two most well-known sub-divisions of photography for architecture include real estate photography that is focused on advertising, or urban exploration which focuses on abandoned areas.



Astrophotographers record regions that are night skies, celestial objects and celestial phenomena. There are many kinds of astrophotography that include deep space, solar system, wide field and time-lapse. Astrophotography is often regarded as the most challenging of the various types of photography. It not only makes us realize that we’re just a tiny bit of dust in the universe but it’s also extremely demanding technically from an angle perspective.


Commercial photography

In essence commercial photography can be described as the term for any type of photos taken with the aim of promoting or selling the product or service. Due to the wide range of categories that could be classified as commercial photography in a particular moment in time (basically any one of them, actually) it is considered to be one of the more difficult kinds of photography. So, if you’re hoping to become professional photographer commercial photography is something you must pursue.

Tips:Need a catchy name for your photography business? Utilize a name generator for photography to help you come up with ideas and inspiration.


Photography of documentary

Documentary photographers strive to record real-time, unfiltered circumstances and provide insight into extraordinary moments and tales. This could range from people who are suffering the ravages of war to tiny villages that are planting trees to fight climate change, one tree at a time. This type of photography gives the chance to test your creativity in photography and to create content that grows over time. Documentary photography is among the major photography trends for 2019 professional photographers across every genre use it to provide the spotlight to ecological and humane issues.


Event photography

“Pics or it didn’t happen” could also be the mantra of the present society. From graduations and weddings through networking occasions or concerts The demand for photography at events is on the rise. Every occasion needs to be captured and later posted online to provide some significance, particularly for celebrations as well as business occasions. If you’re considering becoming a photographer for events begin by improving your social abilities and contacting businesses within your region.


Fashion photography

From the runways of Milan to covers shots in the districts that are designed in New York, fashion portfolios of photography concentrate on capturing stunning photos of models sporting trendy clothing as well as shoes and accessories. It’s evident that when you think of fashion and glamour fashion photography is where to be. However, this kind of photography is just as elegant as it is challenging to gain entry. In addition to lots of hard work and perseverance you’ll require a good amount of technical know-how as well as a keen eye for fashion and a strong ability to communicate with people.


Food photography

Food photographers take pictures of everything connected to food. From raw ingredients, cooking, to food-centric styling and scenes, these photos will have you salivating all over your smartphone. A few years ago, the photography of food used to be a niche that was restricted to commercial work, particularly editorial and advertising. Thanks to the rise of social media, it’s now one of the fastest-growing kinds of photography. Instagram account of all kinds are full of gorgeous images along with food-related photos hashtags collect millions of images each day.


Fine art photography

Like its name suggests, photography of fine art can be described as the most close you can come to pure artistic expression within the field. Although other genres have compositional and technical rules This type of photography is focused on the artistic or imaginative significance of a particular subject or scene. This is why developing an individual personal style in photography is crucial. Fine art photographers make creative statements with the intention of being presented in galleries and then offered as art objects.


Photography of landscapes

Photographs that capture the splendor of the vast nature such as beaches, forests mountains, deserts and peaks are generally regarded as photos of nature. The type of photography used is typically focused on huge landscapes, but it can also reveal more intimate details in natural objects. Although anyone with a camera could capture a photo of the landscape before them, it requires an enormous amount of skill as well as technical expertise and dedication to take stunning landscape images which allow viewers to feel as if they are an integral part of the scenery.


Macro photography

A very rewarding aspects of photography is the chance to look at the subjects and scenery in incredible ways. This is especially true for macro photography, which is where intense close-ups of tiny objects and creatures are filmed to create pictures in which the scale of the subjects is greater than what it is in reality. While insects and flowers might be the most commonly used subjects in this kind photograph, proper camera equipment can help you take macro photos of everything from jewelry and snowflakes, to portraits and underwater photography..


Portrait photography

Also called also known as portraiture Portrait photography encompasses all kinds of photos that express the expressions and personalities of people. They range from headshots to photos of families to portraits of fine art or newborn photographs. In general, professional photographers in this kind of photography operate a studio and invite clients to photo shoots.

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